Graduation Planning System (GPS)

The Graduation Planning System (GPS) is a degree audit tool available to students in .

The degree audit is a summary of all of the requirements needed to earn an academic credential (degree, major, minor, certificate, etc.) for which the student is declared.  It is a direct reflection of the requirements outlined in the University Catalog and is merged with the student’s academic record. The audit provides a real-time assessment of the student’s progress toward graduation and is the official record that determines eligibility for graduation.




  • Introduction to the GPS Audit (for students):   Guide   |  
  • How to Access GPS from FlashLine:   
  • How to Run a What-If Audit:   Guide   |  
  • What is the University Block:  
  • What is the Kent Core:  
  • What is the Course Link: 
  • What else can you do in GPS? 



GPS Program Exception Workflow

  • Undergraduate Level ONLY:
    • Exceptions - or log in to .
    • FlashLine instructions:
      • Advisors: Under Faculty & Advisors, go to Advisor Dashboard > Advisor Workflows: GPS Program Exception Workflow

      • Faculty: Under Faculty & Advisors, go to Faculty Dashboard > Faculty Workflows: GPS Program Exception Workflow

  • Graduate Level ONLY:
    • While a GPS Audit exists for all undergraduate degree-granting programs, Kent State is in the process of adding graduate programs into this system. If your department has questions about your programs in GPS, please email

GPS Audit and Plan

To access GPS Audits, you can either log in to or .

FlashLine instructions:

  • Advisors: Under Faculty & Advisors, go to Advisor Dashboard > GPS Audit & Plan Tile
  • Faculty: Under Faculty & Advisors, go to Faculty Dashboard > Faculty Workflows: GPS Audit & Plan



Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ relates primarily to the GPS Audit and Plan. For general questions about exploring majors and minors, please see the Curriculum Services FAQ page.