Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at 黑料网. We invite you to browse these pages that describe our instructional and research community.
Here you will find award-winning teachers, internationally recognized scholars, excellent research facilities, and active researchers creating new materials and new knowledge. Read about our course and degree offerings, and explore our photo and video galleries.
Our graduates can be found in local industry as well as Fortune 500 firms across the United States. Many of our undergraduate students pursue graduate education in chemistry or biochemistry; others complete professional training in medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy. Our Ph.D. alumni are researching and teaching at prestigious companies, colleges, and universities around the world.
Have you been part of the Kent State Chemistry and Biochemistry community? If you're an alumnus of our Department, please take a moment to let us know what you are doing now.
Our alumni do great things every day - we invite YOU to become part of our success story!
Departmental Colloquium
Colloquia are scheduled Thursdays in room 111 Williams Hall from 3-4 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, Feb. 12 (4:15pm): Dr. Wei-Shun Chang (UMass Dartmouth)
Thursday, Feb. 13: Dr. Marianne Prevot (KSU)
Thursday, Feb. 27: Dr. Elda Hegmann (KSU)
Thursday, March 6: Dr. Catrina Ralheta (Synthomer)
Thursday, March 20: Dr. Arkaprabha Konar (KSU)
Thursday, March 27: Dr. Joao Maia (Case Western Reserve U.)
Thursday, April 10: Dr. Molly Wang (KSU)
Thursday, April 24: Dr. Arkaprabha Konar (KSU)